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Building smarter with Webflow templates for ecommerce: Edgar Allan talks with Josh Jacobs

Edgar Allan | eCommerce with Webflow templates

A successful ecommerce platform isn’t just made of text boxes and a generic check-out experience. It’s a careful negotiation of design and user experience – something that we at Edgar Allan take seriously when it comes to any build, and something that by and large, we don’t look to build entirely from scratch.

There are so many solid, standard insights around ecommerce that building on top of well-designed, user-tested template system (like Webflow’s for example) can be a smart decision. The bottom line: an online store with a great expeirence can improve customer experience, increase conversions, and drive sales more consistently, and starting from scratch is risky. 

A company that does a great job of all of this is Mural — where our friend Josh Jacobs works as senior UX designer. “I always have my product designer and UX hat on when designing websites,” Josh tells us. So, EA’s Pablo González Day grabbed him for an EA Live conversation about his thoughts on Webflow’s eCommerce templates and using them effectively for any project.

Webflow templates for eCommerce: Perfect flexibility 

“A lot of those things (eCommerce elements)  in Webflow are pretty cut and dry. Webflow gives you pre-laid-out pages for things like PayPal checkout and order confirmation. These pages are pretty much cookie cutter and ready to go if you wanted to just launch them. And that is both a good thing and a not-so-good thing.”

Webflow templates in all their shapes and forms provide a range of design elements that can be used to create a professional-looking online store. These elements include buttons, forms, images, videos, and animations. Users can add these elements to their online store with the drag-and-drop interface and add or remove elements, change colors, and update images to match their brand identity.

But what about the user experience of Webflow templates for ecommerce?

The user experience of ecommerce pages on Webflow is designed to be seamless and intuitive. The platform's navigation is simple and easy to use, allowing customers to find what they are looking for quickly. Customers can browse products by category, search for specific items, and view product details, including images, descriptions, and prices.

“Depending on what page you’re on, the Elements panel will have new sections dedicated to ecommerce," said John. “You can drag and drop check out page elements like discounts or order summary or items. That’s one of the things that I did not necessarily know about coming in to building a new ecommerce layout in Webflow, but essentially when it comes to designing the experience there were certainly things that we did do to design the check-out experience but at the end of the day I sort of had to work around what Webflow was giving us.”

The checkout process of Webflow’s ecommerce templates is also designed to be simple and straightforward. Customers can add items to their shopping cart, view their order total, and proceed to checkout. They can then enter their shipping information, choose a payment method, and complete their purchase.

Webflow also provides a range of features to improve the customer experience, such as customer reviews, product recommendations, and related products.

Watch the full discussion between Pablo and Josh in the below EA Live video:

Is your website in need of ecommerce functionality that not only meets industry and customer standards but is also customizable for the needs of your business and your brand? Contact us and let Edgar Allan help you take the ecommerce of your business to the next level with Webflow.

Read the Edgar Allan blog for more posts on Webflow templates, brand design, visual language and content development. 

Take a look at our Services page to see the wide range of products and services Edgar Allan offers our clients as a brand-to-build Webflow agency.

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